Wednesday, June 17, 2009

RPC homework

So, tonight I attended my first focus group. The topic was candy. Specifically Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (my most favorite of chocolate candy treats)! Prior to the session this evening I was given a homework assignment.

"We'd like you think about the perfect occasion to enjoy a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. We'd like you to describe in detail the ideal situation that you would eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. E.g. Are you alone? With friends? With family? What time of day is it? What else are you doing? Please be as creative as you like with how you describe your ideas. You may use any medium you like, including collage, literature (poem, narrative, letter, etc.), paper mache, sculpture, painting or drawing. Everyone who brings the homework will be considered for a $75 "best homework" prize in addition to the incentive amount."

My homework was a small (8" x 8") art quilt. Not that I've ever done anything like this before, but what the heck! Personally I don't believe there is any specific "perfect time" to enjoy a RPC. All the time is perfect for me (for those of you that where at our wedding, you might remember that we even had some at our candy table)! I do believe that they are meant to be shared (that's why there are 2 individually wrapped in the package). But don't get me wrong I'm happy to finish it off on my own if there is no one around to share it with.

"One For You, One For Me"

made from reclaimed upholstery samples

This image was also another source of inspiration for me. A month or so ago we were at the grocery store, and just before entering the frozen food area I came upon this glorious site! It made me almost giddy, I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. I had to take a picture and of course we purchased some.

I am proud to announce that I was a winner tonight for the "best homework" prize (it was a tie, but the other winner was pregnant, so I think she got a sympathy vote). The prize was on top of getting to eat and talk about Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for 2.5hrs! What more could I have asked for?! As Emily said to me today (via Facebook) "Do you feel like, in some ways, you've been training your whole life for this?" ...Yes, yes I did. My whole life. It was a proud day for me.

Friday, June 05, 2009


Still working on these little pouches. I am really happy with the look of the new strap... what do you think? I have a large collection of vintage neckties that belonged to my grandfather... some are quite loud and fun. The strap is made from the skinny end of a tie. I didn't do the embroidery this time, I just kept it plain. I also turned the seams in and I like the finished look of that. Per my mom's suggestion I added a little embellishment on the strap. Which also serves a purpose too, itkeeps the strap from pulling all the what through the grommet. I included a Sharpe in the picture for scale... does that help? I am still in need of a name for these...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Kool-Aid Play Scarves

I wanted to make a little something for my friend Tina's little boy, Sonny, who just turned 1! Irene and Olive have some that they both love to play with... I figured a little boys could enjoy them too (we made a few for Oz also)! I ordered the silk scarves from Dharma Trading and after some searching found individual Kool-Aid packets at the Rainbow down the street. I managed to talk Matt into helping... I thought he might have fun with this project. We did some knotting, rubberband-ing and folding. Matt got very into it, dipping and mixing the colors... he even tried to do a t-shirt but we hadn't prepped it so the dye didn't take. I think we might have rinsed the scarves too long... we didn't really keep the vivid colors that we had started with. But it was a very simple fun project and we are already looking forward to doing it again. The smell of Kool-Aid really reminds you of being a kid!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

newest project

I have all these leather samples... as I mentioned. A bunch of them are a weird rounded/triangle shape with a grommet at one corner. I finally had a vision of how I could use them with out having to cut them and use them as is. It's sort of a little pouch or evening bag... depending on the materials I use it could be casual or fancy. I am still working on the assembly and technique. I figured out a nice stitch for the edging and the how of putting it together. I tried to do a little embroidery detail using the interior fabric but I'm not thrilled with the look. I don't have a free motion foot for my machine and I'm trying to cheat. I think that with a different interior fabric (with a different design) I might have better luck. They need to have a more "finished", "professional" look... I need to figure out a better material for the strap (ribbon possibly or elastic?), and a label or tag for them. They are a cute little wristlet and I'm excited about finding a use for those weird shaped samples. Any ideas for what to call them? How much would you pay for one? It's only taken about 1-1.5hrs to make one... so it would be pretty easy to get a whole bunch done in a few days. -My time to work on projects is limited to about 45mins at a time... thanks Oz. So, I know it's hard with out seeing them in person, but I'm happy to hear any suggestions/critique!!!

I was invited to join in a "boutique" party at a friends house (Karen our doula). She has invited two other artist, besides me, to come to her house and show/sell there work. I'm excited! She's going to invite a bunch of her friends and I will invite the few people that I know. With any luck I will be able to sell some of my Bagbag's (or take some custom orders) and these pouches if I can get some made before the party.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A new wallet

I was in Patina (a local boutique) a few weeks ago and was inspired by a "bill-fold" that they had. I don't know what you would call it but bill-fold seems to fit. Anyway. I have a ton of leather samples and haven't ever come up with anything to do with them. I also finally have a machine that can handle leather, so I have no excuse anymore. I have also been ready to replace my wallet with something that could also be used on it's own. The diaper bag has become my new purse when Oscar's with me but when I'm out running errands I usually just need my wallet... and maybe my phone.
So this has been a perfect solution! It's kind of a clutch/wallet. The pockets are roomy enough for my phone, sunglasses, lipbalm, etc. and I don't have to repack a purse every time I go out on my own.
My only criticism is again the zipper! I'll get the hang of it eventually right?

Diaper bag revised

I have revised the diaper bag. The interior is still the same as well as the strap. I picked out a new material for the exterior and I'm much happier with the way it has held up already. I re-designed the front flap/ pocket... It's a much better bag this time around. I still have something to learn about zippers... there must be a secret! O well I'll just keep trying.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Diaper bag

Finally finished the diaper bag... but it still needs work. I started it before Oscar was born and finished it a few weeks ago. I used a pattern from Amy Butler's Little Stitches For Little Ones. I ended up changing the pattern to have a flap closure, with a leather pouch for me to keep my stuff separate. The interior fabric is cotton and oil cloth for the exterior. I thought the oil cloth would hold up well with wear and tear... besides being water resistant. Unfortunately, after only a few weeks of use the oil cloth doesn't seem to be cutting it. It has torn at the corners and where the strap attaches. So, I am going to re-make the exterior with a canvas or something heavy like that. But I am really happy with the interior... so I will re-use it. Will update with more pics once I re-work it.

Etsy... finally!

I finally got some items posted on my Etsy page. Please check it out and pass it along.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009 Bloggin'

I thought this would be a good way to share some of my latest projects.

Chain Skimmer Quilt

My first quilting attempt. It was a good learning experience. I collected old t-shirts from Matt's family from the water ski show team that they were all involved with. Some of the t-shirts were very old and no one was wearing them anyway... so what better use for them, a quilt! I ended up using an iron on stabilizer for all the t-shirts, to keep them from stretching and moving while I was assembling everything. The front fabric is a soft flannel and the backing is a polar fleece... super cozy! I only quilted the edges, not the t-shirt blocks. It will be nice to see how it holds-up. I ended up giving it to Matt's parents as a Christmas gift. They were very excited and are planning to hang it... but I'm hoping it gets some use also.